I have paid for my item but not received it

Once payment has been made, please allow at least 7 days for the item to arrive. If you are overly concerned about your goods arriving it may be a good idea to contact the seller to see if there were any delivery issues you should be aware of. If the item has been sent, check if there is a track and trace number along with the delivery company details so the item can be located. Other steps you should take:

  1. Check your spam folders and junk mail in case any email correspondence has accidentally arrived there.
  2. Check the shipping details have been sent correctly.
  3. Place a handshake – this may encourage the seller to get in touch or take action. If the issue is sorted please make sure your handshake is changed.


If after taking these steps you are still having issues please see the Disputes Resolution Process. Please contact support for a copy of the form.

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