If you are having trouble signing in to handshake, it could be for one of the following reasons:
Username or email
You are able to log in with either the username or email address you registered with. Try both options and if the problem persists please contact us.
Incorrect password
If you have forgotten your password, please select the Forgot your password? link and follow the steps to reset your password. A temporary password will be emailed to you.
Confirmation emails not received
When you first register with handshake you will be sent an email with a link to a special log in page to activate your account. If this has not arrived, please check your spam folders. To ensure handshake notification emails arrive in your inbox we suggest you mark the first email from handshake as “not junk” or “safe”. This will let your email program know you trust emails from us.
Cookies not enabled
Sometimes a web browser can’t properly load information and enable you to sign in to a website. You can solve this issue by enabling its cookies. Here is a list of the most common web browsers and how to activate the cookies:
Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> select ‘Default Level’
Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> select ‘Accept cookies from sites’
Google Chrome: select Chrome menu icon -> Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Content settings -> select ‘Allow local data to be sent’
Contact us for further assistance if the above solutions don’t work.